Get Verifications
To use this endpoint, your root key must have the api.*.read_api
Retrieve usage data from unkey to power your dashboards, reports or usage-based billing.
Date | Changes |
Jan 01 2025 | Introduced endpoint |
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Query Parameters
Select the API. Only keys belonging to this API will be included.
Filtering by externalId allows you to narrow down the search to a specific user or organisation.
Only include data for a specific key or keys.
When you are providing zero or more than one key ids, all usage counts are aggregated and summed up. Send multiple requests with one keyId each if you need counts per key.
Only include data for a specific tag or tags.
When you are providing zero or more than one tag, all usage counts are aggregated and summed up. Send multiple requests with one tag each if you need counts per tag.
The start of the period to fetch usage for as unix milliseconds timestamp. To understand how the start filter works, let's look at an example:
You specify a timestamp of 5 minutes past 9 am.
Your timestamp gets truncated to the start of the hour and then applied as filter.
We will include data where time >= 9 am
The end of the period to fetch usage for as unix milliseconds timestamp. To understand how the end filter works, let's look at an example:
You specify a timestamp of 5 minutes past 9 am.
Your timestamp gets truncated to the start of the hour and then applied as filter.
We will include data `where time <= 10 am`
By default, datapoints are not aggregated, however you probably want to get a breakdown per time, key or identity.
Grouping by tags and by tag is mutually exclusive.
, identity
, tags
, tag
, month
, day
, hour
Limit the number of returned datapoints. This may become useful for querying the top 10 identities based on usage.
x >= 1
Sort the output by a specific value. You can use this in combination with the order
, valid
, notFound
, forbidden
, usageExceeded
, rateLimited
, unauthorized
, disabled
, insufficientPermissions
, expired
, total
Define the order of sorting. Use this in combination with orderBy
, desc
Total number of verifications in the current time slice, regardless of outcome.
Unix timestamp in milliseconds of the start of the current time slice.
Only available when grouping by tag.
Filter by one or multiple tags. If multiple tags are provided
Only available when specifying groupBy=key in the query. In this case there would be one datapoint per time and groupBy target.
Only available when specifying groupBy=identity in the query. In this case there would be one datapoint per time and groupBy target.
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